Proud ourselves on keeping workers safe

Personal Protection Supplies
Aiming to become one of the leading suppliers of global medical and hospitality We adhere to everyday principles with products, services, technologies, quality and reliability, innovation and the financial effectiveness of achieving a safer and better world. Meanwhile, We are honored to build a long-term relationship with our customers and always interested in getting to know new partners who want to work with and take on our teams. Astromed supports and distributes products to new markets, assisting professional health workers to deeply change the trajectory of health for humanity and their wellbeing.
Connect UsPersonal Protection Supplies
Head Protection

Safety Working Helmet

Welding Helmet

Bump Cap With Shell
Body Protection

Nomex Thread Cover All

Safety Working Set Shirt With Pant

Safety Reflector Jacket

Foot Protection

Superior Footwear

High Ankle Labour

Low Ankle Labour


Collar Boot

Men Safety Shoes

Ladies Safety Shoes

Office Safety Shoes
Hand Protection

High Quality safety Working Gloves

Medical / All purpose Gloves
PPE Accessories

Safety Eyewear

Safety Ear Protection

Respiratory Protection

Safety Harness

Face Shield

Chin Strap
Safety Equipments & Accessories

Automated External Debrillator

Safety Cabinet

Evacuation Chair


Loading stretcher

Manhole Tripod

Eyewash Station

Portable Eyewash

First AId

Burn Kit

Medic Bag

Ice Pack

Insulated Rescue Hook

Glass 7 Lens Cleaning Station

CPR Mask

Fire Extiguisher

Fire Blanket

Warning Signs & Reflective Tapes

Safety Barrier


Wheel Chock


Yokey Tokey

Gas Detector

Spill Kit

Universal Spill Kit

Bio Hazard Spill Kit

Body Fluid Spill Kit